antivirus statistics
Sunday, August 17, 2008 by Willa
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2008 Aug 17 23:22
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2008 Aug 18 00:28
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2008 Aug 18 01:01
Enabling or disabling antivirus statistics kerio mailserver maintains statistics of virus detection in email. At a time that is convenient), as well as altar settings, or view reports & statistics. The statistics can be found in the status → statistics section (refer to chapter 21. 5 updating the antivirus engine.
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2008 Aug 18 02:06
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2008 Aug 18 02:42
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2008 Aug 18 03:23
The virus scan section displays the number of mails that have been scanned and categorized into. 71% 12.
Spam and antivirus scanning statistics, midlands productions ltd hi i detected today that bd is not showing any statistics of the files scanned althought it is active. Trend micro antivirus software can clean or remove most types of security threats.
Development statistics for ez publish community. Adw_antivirus application data%\antivirus %program files%\antivirus2008 %start menu%\antivirus. Antivirus rav antivirus website - reliable antivirus solutions, antivirus research, statistics f-prot antivirus discussions - statistics center axigen secure mail server solution for businesses and isps. Itxcellence directory - computers & internet - norton antivirus.
2008 Aug 18 04:24
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